Respect to the Nature instead of celebrating once per year

In Irene Palace, we share the Environment Day with the new generation because we feel our responsibility for nature conservation. A qualitative life is what our kids deserve all over the world.

Celebration event for the environment is a great dilemma. If we give emphasis, means that it is a prestigious issue for the hotel. But what if we take into consideration environmental issues for saving energy, water, fundamentally?  From the construction to the daily operation? Means, it is an ordinary and traditional issue for us. We need new information and conversation from a palette of environmental topics. At the end of the day all of us we have to be happy and optimistic for the future.

BLUE FLAG award for the beach of Irene Palace Beach Resort

Because of that, we invited the 5th class of elementary school, Rhodian College to a workshop for the environment. Teachers and kids developed an application for mobile, auditing the sea environmental protection. They worked in groups. We’re proud of the Blue Flag  eco-label 2021, it is an award – evidence, we shared with them. A list of the 545 beaches throughout Greece, which have been awarded the “Blue Flag” is included in the official Visit Greece application of GNTO (Greek National Tourism Organization).

Kids visited the hotel garden with seasonal vegetables as well as the hotel biological treatment plant that contributes substuntially to the  nature protection.

A story about the Environment or how children changed the life of a city “

fairy tale title

We developed a discussion and a fairy tale. It was inspired by the herbs and aromatics of the island aiming to show how they influence and improve our lives. It appealed too much interest to everyone. We use herbs and aromatics traditionally in the kitchen. Local kitchen is the Greek – Mediterranean one with Rhodian recipes. Thus, combined with the local products ensure a superb taste and healthy meals as well.

We take the opportunity to reconsider the ecosystem protection as a whole, by actions, attitude, policy.